Deep in the heart of Kentucky, where the rolling hills meet the mighty Ohio River, lies the birthplace of Horse Neck. Here, in the shadow of the legendary horse farms of the Bluegrass State, is where master distillers have been crafting the finest bourbon for generations. Horse Neck Kentucky Straight Bourbon is a testament to the rich heritage and artistry of the craft. Made from the finest corn, rye, and barley to make the perfect mash bill, and then aged to perfection in two virgin oak barrels, Horse Neck Kentucky Straight Bourbon boasts a bold and complex flavor profile that is as smooth as it is satisfying. Our proprietary wood filtering process, applied to aged, barrel-select bourbon, allows us to create an incredible flavor profile with nuanced notes, rich tones, and delicious accents. This unique process sets our bourbon apart from the rest, and stands up to the best.


January, 2024 - We are pleased to announce the limited production of our barrel select Horse Neck Bourbon – featuring two unique styles: Double Barrel 101 Proof Kentucky Straight Bourbon and Sherry Finish 95 Proof Kentucky Straight Bourbon.  Horse Neck Bourbon is currently available in a few retail outlets in Texas and online sales will start in February (to 43 states). 

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